Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where can I find twilight style letters for the signature in my email?

I want to find twilight style letters because my signature is getting really old! I want to have a cool twilight style one!
Where can I find twilight style letters for the signature in my email? has the font from the book covers and movie posters. just go towards the bottom of the page to find it. has the fonts for different characters.
Reply:Here is the site to download each characters handwriting:

The font that is used for the twilight book cover is called

Zephyr. That is really hard to find. I can email it to you if you

want it. I just couldnt find the site that I downloaded that one from.

everything you need is on this site and it has instructions on how to get them working..

I just downloaded them...their pretty snazzy edwards "be safe" carmilla font is my default I love it...

good luck.
Reply:There is this one site where you can get the fonts for the charaters. There is Edward Alice Bella Jacob Charlie and even Aro! I will quickly find it and then add it to this.

I found it for you! It's

It's really easy you just download them and put them in your computer fonts. Plus there's steps to help you as you go.

Hope I helped you!

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